Three young brothers, coming from a successful Italian circus family.
Maycol, Guido and Wioris Errani.
The first of the brothers to perform in the circus ring was the older brother Maycol, presenting 3 elephants. The act was later passed on to his younger cousin Elvis Errani. The second brother was Guido, who was allready being taught traditional tumbling methods by his grandfather, Guido Errani Senior. In 1998 Maycol and Guido first thought of working together in an Icarian act. Their first year of rehearsals where taught by Eugenio Larible, a legend in the circus world. Father of the king of clowns, David Larible. The following three years they where taught by Antonio Garcia Randols, another big figure in circus history. With him they perfected and finished their icarian act.
After a few short years of success in Italy with their Family Circus show, their first appeareance out of Italy was at the first Festival of Grenoble in France, followed closely by the Wuchiao Festival in China, receiving in both festivals a bronze award. Shorty after, the brothers took part in the 28th circus festival of Monte Carlo, winning the very prestigious gold clown award.It being the highest accolade in the circus world. Since then Maycol and Guido have set foot in the top circuses, dinner shows and special events in Europe.
Wilst the two older brothers toured Europe, Wioris, the younger brother, stayed in Italy with their family circus show, perfecting his equestrian act presenting eight pure bread Arab horses, adagio on horse and wire act. Wioris later joined his two older brothers in Circus Knie's 2009 tour in Switzerland,where the three of them perform a high class jockey act guided by Enrico Caroli and a double wire act performed alongside his brother Guido.