Neven Ciganović: To me, most interesting thing was men in tights

Neven Ciganović revealed that he especially liked the brothers gymnasts who perform special acrobatic points. "I can say that I didn't go in circus since my childhood . Especially, I liked men in tights. I like a girl with hula - hoop," he said with a laugh during a break while drinking champagne. I miss animals in the circus, but this circus is really cool ', "says Neven.
With Neven there was also Snježana Mehun."This circus is retroand I like it. I don't have courage to climb up on stage, but as a kid I went to the circus with my parents, and now I took my son," she told us.
Ronald Braus told us: "Wow, this circus is so sweet. I thought that I would really miss the animals, but when I saw what people can do i realized how much fun and convenient it can be. The audiance who participate in the show was also very nice. I saw that they resisted, but they and we had so much fun. He added with a laugh: " You never know what awaits you when you are called to participate in the show. If they asked me I would climb on the stage because I have no problem with that. "He says that as a kid, he enjoyed in the numerous plays. "As a kid I go to the circus every time when the circus was in town. I grew up in Rovinj, and every year we have one traveling circus.I remember Moira Orfei and many other circuses", says Ronald.

Elizabeta Gojan came with her sons. Elizabeth also liked the circus show, and when we asked her about animals, she says: "I love animals in circuses. I remember the animals circuses from my childhood and I think that children who doesn't have that experience, really don't now the magic of tigers, elephants and horses in circus, but we like Monte Carlo dogs.They are very funy".

Pamela Ramljak from FEMMINEM also had a great time at the circus. "It's great, I love to go to the circus. I visited some circuses while I was in Vienna. This is a smaller but no less good circus.It's a shame that people here in Croatia have no tradition of going to such events, it's fun," said Pamela . "I miss some animals, but the dogs are great and the stunts too. A clown laughed me to tears," she told.